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Article Ten: Principles of Design 101B - Proportion
Now that you know a little more about balance, did you try to bring balance to the areas in your home that needed it? In this article we will examine the principle of proportion. Hopefully as these articles progress, you'll better understand the Essentials of Design in your decorating. All the Elements and Principles of Design correspond to nature in some way. Perhaps after this, you will be able to pick out a mirror with just the right proportions.
In nature, proportion may not seem quite right at times, such as with the bumblebee, until we look closer. Its wings seem too small for its bigger body, but the abundance of energy the bee has, more than compensates for its wing proportions.
  • Proportion describes the relationship of an object's parts to each other. Enjoyable proportions aren't always equal. "The Golden Oblong," from ancient Grease describes a rectangle with the most aesthetically pleasing proportions. It has width-length ratios of two parts to three. If we follow this principle, an ideally proportioned painting in a frame or mirror might have a width of two feet and a length of three feet.
  • Color and pattern are elements that can address and correct proportion issues when applied correctly. Once you've identified a problem with the proportion of an item, you can change the visual weight of it so as to create the illusion that it is harmonious with what is around it. Take a small, plain lampshade with a larger base and recover the lampshade in a strong pattern. This will increase its visual weight and make it more compatible with its large base.
One reason some French doors are so attractive to us is because their proportions approach the golden oblong. In staging, one of the important skills in seeing, thinking, creating and problem solving is the skill of correctly perceiving proportional relationships. That is, seeing the relationship of one part to another and the relationships of the parts to the whole.

The more clearly you see proportions the better designer you will be. Later, you will expand this skill when you use the next principle, which is scale. See how many times you can apply "The Golden Oblong," rule to various items in your home.

Until next time, happy Home Staging and Styling.
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